Incentives Compound the Benefits

In Meigs County, Ohio, we’ve worked hard to create a business-friendly environment and to keep taxes low. On the local level, the county’s location within an enterprise zone allows us to provide special incentives and reduced taxes for companies that invest here. Businesses locating within our Community Reinvestment Areas will enjoy additional tax advantages.

Companies that are starting, relocating, or expanding their operations in Meigs County, Ohio can benefit from a powerful package of performance-based incentives available at the state level. New and expanding businesses may be eligible for:

  • Research and Development Investment Loans, which are fixed rate loans at or below market rates for projects focusing on research and development.
  • Low interest loans from the 166 Direct Loan Program which provides funding for land and building acquisition, construction, expansion or renovation, and equipment purchases.
  • Long term, fixed-rate loans from the Ohio Enterprise Bond Fund for capital assets including real estate.
  • Innovation Ohio Loan Fund financing of up to 75 percent of the cost of technology, facilities, and equipment purchases for companies working to develop next generation products and services in key industry sectors.
  • Roadwork Development (629) Funds for public roadway improvements to support manufacturing and distribution activities, technology, research and development, and corporate headquarter relocations that help to create or retain jobs.

Let us help you find all the incentives for which your business can qualify.  Our economic development team will work with you to identify your eligibility for incentive programs at both the state and local level to help you tally up all the savings you’ll enjoy by locating your business in Meigs County.